Your Quick-Start Guide to Giving Microfeedback

By Jezabel Southard

Posted on September 28, 2018

microfeedback guideManagers are constantly called upon to give “feedback,” but doing so can be time-intensive. One option? Giving daily “microfeedback.”

These are quick bites of targeted feedback that allow employees to fix one issue at a time.

Below you will find a quick overview of how microfeedback works and how to use it to improve employee performance.

What Is Microfeedback (and Why Should We Use It)?

Microfeedback focuses on collecting small pieces of information and using them to improve one’s work in a quick, non-intrusive way.

Unlike annual performance reviews, microfeedback doesn’t require staff members to “shift gears” away from their day-to-day work. Instead, it can be given, received, processed and put to work right away.

Because microfeedback focuses on small specifics, it’s easier for employees to implement without feeling overwhelmed. And it’s easier for managers to provide, because it can be done based on what they see in the moment.

How to Give Good Microfeedback: A Quick-Start Guide

When you’re giving feedback to members of your team, follow these tips:

  • Start with what you see. “Overall, this report is clear and concise.” “You almost made the deadline.” This opening comment orients you and the worker to the focus of your incoming feedback.
  • Point out one item that needs fixing. “The last paragraph of the report, however, doesn’t make a lot of sense.” “Your email was on time, but it didn’t have the attachments.” This statement focuses the listener on the specific problem you’ve spotted. Keep the issue small and concrete, so it’s easy to see.
  • Give concrete advice on how to fix the matter. “Try summarizing the results in one sentence.” “Double-check your attachments before sending.” Make this advice as specific and concrete as you can. The goal is to give the employee one simple action they can take to fix or prevent the problem in the future.

Many managers are used to giving feedback in longer, sit-down sessions. When they see issues that need to be addressed, their brains tend to file them in the form required for these longer sessions. While training your mind to “think microfeedback” can take some initial effort, the payoff can be well worth it.

Build Your Team

Are you looking to strengthen your staff by hiring effective managers? Sourcing, vetting and hiring superstar managers can feel daunting. But if you’re able to hire a manager who is an adept leader (including providing feedback to employees), you will be able to reach your goals. Be sure to discuss all skills you are looking for in a potential manager, so they will be equipped with the information necessary to recruit the right person.

At TERRA Staffing, our recruiters thrive on helping our clients build strong, engaged, resilient workforces. To learn more about our staffing services in Portland, Seattle and Phoenix, contact us today.

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