If you are searching for a job, you’ve probably read a few articles offering tips on job hunting best practices. And while much of what you read was likely helpful, you may have also noticed that a lot of the advice was a little repetitive. Rather than provide more general job search advice, we thought …
job search
8 Job Search Strategies That Actually Work
Let’s face it. No one likes searching for a job. It can be stressful and, honestly, even a little overwhelming, especially if you have other important things on your mind. The good news is that some of that tension can be eliminated by having a plan in place before you begin searching. And we’re going …
9 Tips to Stay Motivated in Your Job Search
Looking for a job can be both exhilarating and terrifying. It often feels like there are hundreds of things one should do and it can be easy to feel discouraged. So how do you stay motivated when you don’t get immediate results in your job search? Here are 9 tips to help you stay positive …
My New Job is a Match Made in Heaven
A year and half ago, Nathanael Rojas moved from California to Oregon. Finding a job that was right for him was difficult. He tried doing lumber work, construction, landscaping and even some housekeeping, but none of these jobs were a good match. Nathanael was unemployed for three months. It was a struggle to make ends …