8 Best TED Talks For Managers to Revolutionize Your Management Mentality
Posted on February 23, 2018
TED Talks can provide outstanding advice and can help improve your vision and skills as a manager.
Managers often find themselves in a time crunch. Staying on top of their team’s day-to-day needs can prevent their professional development from becoming a priority. So while they may want to expand their professional skills and become more effective leaders, it can be a challenge.
That’s why TED talks are a great resource for managers. They allow you to learn what you need to know, while still offering you a way to unwind.
Each TED talk listed below has a specific message that can help change a manager’s approach.
These short videos, ranging from 15 to 20 minutes in length, feature some of the world’s brightest visionaries in a wide range of fields.
Here are 8 TED Talks to revolutionize your management mentality:
Simon Sinek, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”
The author of Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek discusses how managers can inspire action by asking one simple question: “Why?”
Fields Wicker-Miurin, “Learning from Leadership’s Missing Manual”
Social entrepreneur Fields Wicker-Miurin explains how the stories of outstanding local leaders can stand in for the “user’s manual” every leader wishes they had. She shares three specific examples.
Stanley McChrystal, “Listen, Learn…Then Lead”
General Stanley McChrystal explains the importance of listening, learning and addressing the possibility of failure in becoming an effective leader and building a sense of shared purpose within a diverse team.
John Wooden, “The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding”
Legendary UCLA coach John Wooden discusses the importance of creating a definition of success that depends on factors within the control of your team – engaging them fully in the process.
Download our eBook: How to Increase Productivity in the Workplace
Productivity matters for your business and its employees because profit increases can lead to increased wages, innovation, improved morale, and beyond. Download our eBook, “How to Increase Productivity in the Workplace” for proven strategies for driving productivity.
Dan Pink, “The Puzzle of Motivation”
What really motivates a team? Turns out it’s not the conventional rewards most managers reach for. Dan Pink, former speechwriter to U.S. Vice President Al Gore, discusses what does work.
Richard St. John, “8 Secrets of Success”
Marketer and success analyst Richard St. John went looking for the reasons people succeed. He discovered that luck and intelligence had little to do with it. Here, he provides a three-minute slideshow on the eight secrets that lead to success.
Shawn Achor, “The Happy Secret to Better Work”
Professionals throughout the work world believe that working harder will lead to happiness. Psychologist Shawn Achor explains why this conventional wisdom may be exactly backwards.
Tony Robbins, “Why We Do What We Do”
Tony Robbins brings years of experience in leadership psychology to this TED Talk, in which he breaks down the “invisible forces” that motivate people’s actions.
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Categories: Employee Development
Tags: Essential TED Talks for Managers, Management TED Talks, TED Talks