Retirement Led Me to Find a Great New Career Opportunity

By TERRA Staffing Group

Posted on February 21, 2019

Photo of Gene MarshAfter a successful career in security, warehouse and tow truck driving, Gene Marsh decided it was time to retire.

It was also around that time that he made the decision to move from California to Arizona.

But retirement didn’t last long for Gene.

“I didn’t want to spend my time just sitting at home,” he shared. “My kids are grown and I had money coming in, but I’m only 50. I figured, why not work?”

Searching online for driver or warehouse jobs, he came across TERRA’s Mesa branch.

Gene came in for an interview and made a great impression on the Mesa team.

Rebecca Rolak, Branch Manager, said, “He was very professional and was a great communicator. He also had impressive work history.”

The Mesa team quickly placed him on a couple of contract assignments, which Gene was fine with.

It didn’t matter to him that that roles weren’t permanent. He just wanted to be active.

After just one month on one of the assignments, the client decided to hire him!

When Gene eventually decided that it was time for him to find a different work environment, he reached out, once again, to TERRA’s Mesa office.

Knowing Gene to be a reliable and honest employee, the team quickly jumped right in to help him find a new job.

Rebecca Rolak and Staffing Specialist Olivia Conlon spoke to Gene about what he wanted next.

After talking to him and revisiting his resume and background, Rebecca and Olivia thought they had a great opportunity for him – working with a well-known beverage manufacturer.

Rebecca said, “Gene had many of the skills this particular client was looking for,” Rebecca said. “But we knew that what was really going to stand out to the employer was his forklift experience and his very open and flexible schedule, which are critical for success in this role.”

“I was ecstatic and excited about the opportunity!” he exclaimed.

Gene was also happy to hear that he would be working indoors – a major plus when faced with Arizona heat!

He has been in the role for a couple of months now and the client cannot wait to convert him to a full-time, regular employee.

His supervisor said, “Gene has been doing a great job and we are just counting down the days until we can officially hire him on.”

We think it’s safe to say that Gene is happy that he didn’t stay retired.

“It’s a really nice atmosphere. I like learning the business and the fact that I am learning something new each day. And I like being able to do things that I have never done before.”

Regarding his overall experience working with TERRA, Gene said, “Everyone at TERRA has been so helpful and kind. Everyone always says ‘hi’ and they remember who you are. They call me to see how I am doing and I appreciate that.”

For anyone feeling stuck, whether in retirement or life in general, Gene had this advice:

“Believe In yourself. You’ll surprise yourself with what you can do. Just keep an open mind.”

Thank you, Gene, for trusting us to help you find a fulfilling post-retirement career. We wish you continued success!

How TERRA Can Help You

Interested in a new career, or looking for a job after retirement? Partner with TERRA.

We can connect you to many employers currently hiring in your area.

Check out our current job openings. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Call us.

We have offices in many locations and our expert recruiters are waiting to speak with you!


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