TERRA Found Me a Job That Improved My Quality of Life

By TERRA Staffing Group

Posted on February 17, 2021

Image of Kale Carson, TERRA Success Story, who was placed in a job that improved his quality of life
Kale Carson loves his new job

Kale Carson and his wife moved to Washington from Oklahoma due to her job in the military. While his wife already had a job, Kale still needed to find employment.

Because of Kale’s customer service background, he quickly got a position as a bank clerk. However, he soon realized it wasn’t a good fit.

He was deeply unsatisfied. 

“I wasn’t happy at my job and was so down all the time. It was really affecting my home life.”

Still, Kale kept trying to make it work. He stayed in his job for over a year. But when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, his job transitioned to work from home. And his responsibilities shifted to being more call center in nature.  

“While I appreciated that my company tried to find me something instead of firing me, I didn’t want to keep doing this job. I was getting calls from upset customers all day long and disliked the negativity.” 

Kale wanted a change of pace. He had worked in customer service for years and felt it was time to transition to something different. Not to mention, he was hoping to find a job more closely related to economics, which he studied in college.

He wasn’t sure where to begin and was nervous to ask for support. 

As luck would have it, Kale was friends with a Recruiter from TERRA’s Tacoma branch – and she wanted to help! After some time, he ultimately reached out to her. 

“It took me a while but I finally took her up on her offer. And she was so fast! She found me something in two days!” 

Kale now works as a clerk supporting a customer service team. His new duties are mostly administrative. Among other things, he provides order processing assistance and reviews sales orders. Just like he wanted, he has less interaction with clients.

And while Kale’s job is not entirely related to his field of study, it has greatly improved his quality of life!

“I don’t dread work anymore. I actually love my job. I’m consistently busy. My days and responsibilities are consistent and stable. It’s not stressful. I get to support the customer service team and help catch mistakes before they happen. 

My mental health has improved so much. Now, I still get to work from home, the pay is better and I really enjoy what I’m doing! Plus, the people I work with are really great. They’re friendly and really patient.” 

Here’s Kale’s humble advice for people who aren’t satisfied at work and want to change jobs: 

“I haven’t had many jobs. But If I had to say anything it is to try to do work that makes you happy. If you’re not happy in your job, it can really bleed into other aspects of your life. 

Have an open mind. Opportunities might come around that you hadn’t expected.

And if you’re looking for something and struggling to find it, reach out to TERRA. They know what they’re doing.”

Congratulations Kale! We’re so glad we were able to help you find a job that has had a positive affect on your life!

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Unhappy in your job and looking for a change? Try partnering with TERRA in your job search. 

We work with great local companies across a variety of industries in the  Seattle-Puget Sound, Portland, Phoenix, and Denver metro areas. Let us help you find the right fit.

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