What Really Attracts Top Talent? 7 Things Candidates Look for in a Potential Employer

By Jezabel Southard

Posted on May 20, 2016

Top TalentTop candidates know their skills are in demand. They can afford to look for an employer that offers the things they want most – and it’s not just a salary.

Here are seven things top talent look for when evaluating potential employers and how to make your company’s strengths in these areas stand out:

The Chance to Learn

Top talent climbs to the “top” by constantly looking for new things to learn and apply to the work they do. Fostering learning opportunities through tuition credits, time off for conferences and other opportunities will draw in talent with a drive to learn and grow.

A Mission They Can Believe In

Top performers value their own skills, and they believe their work makes a difference. Having these talented employees on your company’s side can send you hurtling toward your goals and mission – if top candidates know what they are. Clarify your company’s mission and put it front and center in your employment brand materials.

A Clear Path to Advancement

Does your company offer clear plans and goals for advancement and growth within the organization? Highlight these in your company’s employment brand materials to draw in top performers who have clear career plans and are looking for their next big challenge.

A Culture That Feels Like Home

Quick – how would you describe your company’s culture? If the words don’t spring immediately to mind or what you say doesn’t match how your team acts on any given day, it’s time to clarify and strengthen your culture, so you can make it clear to top talent what your company stands for.

Work-Life Balance

Top performers like to work hard, but they know that working hard must come with a balanced plan for rest, relaxation, and time spent away from the job. Options like flextime and telecommuting help top talent create the work-life balance that best supports their outstanding contributions.

Connections and Colleagues

Top talent often grabs the attention of others in the industry who also know good work and commitment when they see it. They also know who’s working where and often choose employers according to who is on the team. Start by talking to your own staff for referrals, and publicize the major accomplishments of your team to let top candidates know you’ve got good people.

…And Yes, The Money

Although top candidates may not prioritize pay, they do look for a competitive salary and benefits package when seeking their next position. Your recruiter can help make sure your numbers are “in the running” so you can focus on building an employment brand that attracts the right people.

By considering what candidates look for in a potential employer, you will have the ability to attract and hire the best talent available.

At TERRA Staffing, our recruiters know what top talent wants in an employer, and we can help you build an employment brand that highlights your company’s most desirable qualities and opportunities.

Find one our branches today to learn more about our staffing services in Phoenix, Seattle and Portland.

Categories: Employee Engagement Ideas, Staffing Tips & Recruiting Trends

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