Top Talent

What Really Attracts Top Talent? 7 Things Candidates Look for in a Potential Employer

Top candidates know their skills are in demand. They can afford to look for an employer that offers the things they want most – and it’s not just a salary. Here are seven things top talent look for when evaluating potential employers and how to make your company’s strengths in these areas stand out: The Chance …

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“I Want to Work for Them!” Reputation Management Tips to Attract Top Talent – Part 2

When most companies think about online reputation management, their first concern is preventing negative comments from rising to the top of a Google search. When you manage your organization’s reputation proactively, however, you do more than eliminate the negative: you also create a positive “brand” that draws top talent to your organization. A strong online …

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Perks That Attract Top Talent: You Might Be Surprised

To get the best talent, you have to offer the highest possible salary – right? Not necessarily. Top candidates know what they’re worth. They also know how their skills are valued in monetary terms by the industry. Since individual companies in an industry strive to keep their salary offers competitive, a top candidate knows she …

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Does Your Image Match Your Company Culture?

Top companies often draw top talent on the basis of their brand image alone. Although not every company holds the position of, say, Google, any company can attract top candidates based on its image – but only if the public persona accurately reflects the company culture. Does your company’s image sell its culture effectively to …

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