Two people sitting across from each other during a job interview.

How to Leverage Questions for a Better Interview

A job interview isn’t just for employers to assess if you’re the right fit—it’s also your chance to see if the role and company suit you.   It’s a two-way street—you both need to decide if there’s a future together.   The best approach? Come prepared with insightful questions that deepen your understanding of the job.   …

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Win Job Facebook

How to Win the Job Before the Interview Even Begins

There is a common misconception that the interview begins the moment you shake an interviewer’s hand and start answering questions. But the interview actually begins much sooner than that.  Employers often form an opinion of you before they actually see you in person. That opinion will sometimes determine whether or not you even get an …

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Young woman shaking hands with recruiter after a successful staffing agency interview.

Staffing Agency Interviews: What You Need to Know

Thinking about working with a staffing agency and not sure what to expect during your interview?  You’re not alone.  That’s because staffing agency interviews are slightly different from traditional job interviews. Their goal isn’t to evaluate if you’re a good fit for a specific position. Rather, recruiters want to determine whether they can help provide …

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stressed job seeker at an interview

5 Reasons Researching an Employer Before an Interview is a Good Idea

Job interviews can be intimidating. The good news, however, is that there are a variety of ways for you to prepare for your interview and calm those nerves.  One quick and easy thing you can do? Research.  Doing a little research prior to your interview can not only help lower your stress, but arm you …

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woman having a virtual job interview

How to Prepare for a Virtual Job Interview

More and more companies are moving away from the in-person job interview and in the direction of a virtual job interview. There are multiple reasons why: They save time. They’re convenient. They showcase a job seeker’s tech-savviness. And while employers may be experts at conducting online interviews, for some job seekers the process may be …

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womanwithwide eyedexpressionafterleavinganegativeimpression

Can You Come Back from a Negative Impression?

They say first impressions are lasting impressions. But do they last forever? That’s the burning question for anyone who has ever left a negative impression on a colleague, a boss, an interviewer, a friend … the list goes on. Well, we’re here to put your mind at ease. You can come back from a negative …

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Photo of smiling woman holding blue folder.

Five Ways to Nail Your Interview Before the Interview Begins

The clock is ticking and your palms are sweaty. You’re nervously waiting for the hiring manager for your job interview to start. But what you don’t realize is that it’s already begun. The interview doesn’t start when you shake hands with your potential employer. It begins way before that. And these contributing factors will help …

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TERRA Helped Me Land a Promotion and My Dream Job All At Once

Edrick Tiamzon was an employee of a former TERRA client. But at the end of 2014, the business moved its offices out of state and Edrick found himself searching for another job. Since his former employer partnered with TERRA for staffing help, he decided he would reach out for assistance on his job search. He …

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TERRA to Sponsor Three Scholarships for High School Students to Attend Washington Business Week this Summer

Exciting news from TERRA Founder, Betty Neighbors: TERRA Staffing Group is sponsoring up to three high school students (grades 9-12) to attend Washington Business Week this summer. All TERRA employees or “Friends of TERRA” (including Facebook Friends) are able to refer a student to this opportunity. This is a great opportunity for a teen to …

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