Two people sitting across from each other during a job interview.

How to Leverage Questions for a Better Interview

A job interview isn’t just for employers to assess if you’re the right fit—it’s also your chance to see if the role and company suit you.   It’s a two-way street—you both need to decide if there’s a future together.   The best approach? Come prepared with insightful questions that deepen your understanding of the job.   …

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Professional woman looking up at building on first day at new job.

How to Prepare for Your First Day of Work

  Starting a new job can be exciting—and a little nerve-racking. There’s a lot of pressure to start strong and make a good impression. So, how can you get ready for your first day of work and leave those first-day jitters behind? We’ll share what you can do to feel calm, confident and ready for …

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Woman sitting at desk on phone.

Building a Resilient Career Portfolio in a Changing World

The traditional, linear career path is becoming a thing of the past. The dynamic nature of the employment market, combined with technological advancements and shifting worker expectations, calls for a new approach to crafting a successful career. It’s time to embrace the concept of a career portfolio—an adaptable and purposeful way to build a resilient …

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Man standing in front of multiple doors.

How to Handle Multiple Job Offers

Having multiple job offers on the table is a good “problem” to have.  But it can also be stressful.  How do you decide which job to accept? We can help.  We’ll explore the nuances of evaluating multiple job opportunities (and share how to politely decline alternative job offers) so you can confidently choose the job …

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Employer and employee sitting across from each other.

How to Handle an Exit Interview

You’ve given your notice and now it’s time for the final conversation with your employer: the exit interview.  It’s believed that many departing employees find it difficult to give honest feedback during the exit interview—especially if it’s negative feedback—on the concern that it could harm their reputation and future career.  But there’s nothing to be …

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Talent Market Update, August 2023

What to Consider Before Accepting A Job Offer

It’s easy to be swayed by pay and impressive job titles when accepting a job offer. But there’s more to think about that can impact your life, job satisfaction and your overall well-being. So before you make a decision, pause to really look at the opportunity.  Here are 5 things to consider before saying ‘yes’ …

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Job seeker sitting at desk with laptop.

5 Ways Temporary Jobs Are As Beneficial As Internships

Internships are often seen as the ultimate first step toward a successful career, but they’re not the only path to success.   What you may not realize is that a temporary job isn’t all that different from an internship— and can be just as valuable.  So if you’re considering an internship, why not consider a temporary …

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Man sitting on floor with holding his head.

How to Make the Most of a Job You Don’t Like

Not everyone loves their job, but for whatever reason, you’re not ready to quit. And that’s okay. But wouldn’t it be nice if it felt better to be there?  It may seem impossible, but reframing your perspective can go a long way in transforming a job you dread.  Keep your eye on the bigger picture. …

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