Navigating Next — HR in a Post-Pandemic World

What the pandemic has highlighted, and the lessons we’ve learned, will remain with us for a long time.

At this unique moment in history, there are opportunities for smart companies and HR leaders to leverage some of these fundamental changes to accelerate their growth, both organizationally and personally.

In this session, TERRA’s Chief Strategy Officer, Jenifer Lambert, will be joined by Amy McKenna, Founder and CEO of HumanPoint, to discuss HR in the “new normal,” how to grow culture in an increasingly fragmented workplace and HR’s unique opportunities to advance the professional like never before. …

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Susan Clarke and CrisMarie Campbell

HR’s Evolving Role in Conflict Resolution: From Unsung Hero to Transformational Leader

When team dynamics break down, HR is often the unsung hero who steps in to manage the difficult personalities, provide crucial feedback, and help rebuild relationships on the team.

It can take a lot of work.

How much easier would your job be if those very same leaders were skilled in building and leading cohesive teams? In other words, able to handle the smart business side of things – as well as the healthy, relational side.

In this webinar, conflict experts Susan Clarke and CrisMarie Campbell will share tools that you can use to shift from “managing conflict” to harnessing the power of conflict – and move your organization closer to its goals.

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Jim Hessler

What Should You Be Looking for in a Leadership Development Strategy?

American businesses spend billions of dollars annually on Leadership Development Training and Programs. Unfortunately, much of this investment creates little or no return. There is no easy or convenient way to develop leaders for your organization – so having a comprehensive strategy is essential.

Jim Hessler, founder of Path Forward Leadership, will help you consider your options when it comes to leadership development – to help you understand what works and what doesn’t work, and where your best investments will likely come from. …

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susan stringer

Four Elements of a Performance Culture

Your organization’s culture drives your competitive advantage. It determines how things are done and how people behave. When your culture drives performance and fosters team chemistry, it’s known as Performance Culture. While each organization’s culture is unique, a Performance Culture includes a pattern of remarkably consistent behaviors, known as core values. During this webinar, HR professionals, will learn the four elements of a performance culture. In addition, attendees will leave the workshop with practical business management principles needed to develop and execute on mission, vision and strategy …

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